Itchy Belly Button Piercing or Navel Pain

Navel piercing pain and keloids

Is there navel piercing itchy or pain after belly button piercing? This article explores navel piercing pain care and information on healing. Read on to get more insights on itchy and navel piercing keloid. It’s never too late to check this first before getting a belly button piercing.

Among the dangers of belly button piercing is the pain and infections besides rejection and scaring. You may not be guaranteed of a completely successful navel piercing process. It is however advisable you go for this art with full navel piercing information that is well researched on as the post discusses.

Infected navel piercing
Infected navel piercing

Navel Piercing Itchy or Pain

Ensure you are of the recommended age before going for the belly button piercing. 18 years is the required age for anyone who wants to undergo this operation. Individuals below this age have to be approved by their parents or guardians.

You cannot conduct navel piercing on your own and that is why you have to find a professional piercer at a suitable tattoo shop. There are specific tools to be used such as a navel piercing needle and after-care solutions to ensure you are feeling little or no pain.

Piercing Table

When you get to the piercing table or chair it is good to relax and calm so that any tension in the skin can be relieved. When you are so relaxed there are high chances that you will feel little or no pain regardless of your age.

There are few people who bleed slightly after the piercing but when done with professionalism there are also few chances of bleeding. Ensure the pierce is ever clean and you will be guaranteed no numbing, swelling, or infections.


There are high chances of infections if you are not responsible for the piecing. All aftercare routines must be strictly followed. Use antibacterial soap to clean the navel piercing at least twice a day. Sea salt warm water is also ideal for ensuring a quick healing duration.

Almost all types of navel piercing take a bit longer to heal. You should not be worried even if it takes six months. It should however begin with enough preparation prior to the piecing since there are many activities you will have to sacrifice. Ensure your beddings are cleaned regularly to avoid bacterial infections.

  • Urban ReLeaf Piercing Care Intended Use: Soothing Sea Salts & Botanical Aftercare. Mix with water before use. Clean & Calm New, Irritated & Stretched Piercings Warning: The safety of this product has not been determined. Net wt: 3 ounces Directions: Mix 1/4 teaspoon to 1 cup warm water. Soak piercing for 5 minutes, twice daily. Warnings: For external use only. Discontinue use if product causes irritation. Manufactured by: Urban ReLeaf LLC, St. Petersburg, FL 33710. Made in the USA. Product Ingredients: Dead Sea Salt, Mediterranean Sea Salt, Tea Tree Oil, Aloe Vera, Vitamin E

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  • FIRST EVER PIERCING AFTERCARE - Our natural sea salt saline tattoo and piercing healing spray was the first piercing aftercare product ever created, this patented formula has healed millions of tattoos since 2001.
  • FAST ACTING - This natural sea salt saline spray calms tissues allowing piercings and other wounds to heal extremely fast.
  • NATURAL ENZYMES - Contains an enzyme called lysozyme, which is found in your own tears and saliva that helps your body to speed up the healing process.
  • SEA SALT NOT TABLE SALT - Nutrient rich sea salt from the Red Sea is a key ingredient in H2Ocean products, others use saline table salt, but H2Ocean’s patented sea salt solutions contain over 82 trace minerals that are essential for healing.
  • THE ORIGINAL ONE - H2Ocean has been committed to producing all natural sea salt based tattoo and piercing aftercare products that are 100% guaranteed to satisfy since 2001, all made in the USA.

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Navel Piercing Healing

Navel piercing pain photo
Navel piercing pain photo

As said it takes 6 to 9 months for the belly button piercing to heal completely. During this entire navel healing process, you will have to obey the principles provided by the piercer. Do not risk infections, rejections, and scarring by failing to adhere to the navel piercing aftercare.

Comfortable Clothing

During this period try to avoid wearing too tight tops and pants that can cause irritation. Put on loose-fitting blouses and shirts. You will also have to maintain the navel piercing jewelry placed immediately after the piercing until you realize complete healing.

Keeping off the activities that strain and stretch the skin around the belly is recommended. Similarly, avoid exercises that have such an effect.


Pregnancy can also affect your navel piercing healing process. It is however not a good idea to do belly button piercing when you are also planning for pregnancy.

Navel piercing rejection can take place. During pregnancy, you are also forced to use flexible plastic material in place of a barbell ring or jewelry. Carrying and holding your baby can also cause navel piercing pain due to irritation by the baby’s movements.

During the initial days after piercing, it is advisable to avoid belly bars that have too long and more dangly bits that hang. They can get caught in your pants or belt hence causing your skin to get torn which is a very painful thing. Go for standard sized bars and rings always to avoid such a scenario.

Generally, there is a dull throbbing pain during the first few days after piercing. Some people bleed while others don’t. It also depends on the size of the belly button ring used. Standard 14 gauge rings or barbells are recommended until the navel piecing healing duration is due.

Belly button piercing keloids
Belly button piercing keloids

Itchy Navel Piercing

Itchy belly button piercing is sometimes common. You can also notice some red bumps around the belly button piercing. These are some of the symptoms of a navel piercing infection. Itchy navel piercing without pain or redness can be something normal since it can indicate that healing is taking place.

For such a case use either antibacterial soap or sea salt water to clean it twice or thrice a day. Do not use both combinations or do not overdo it since it can also interfere with the healing process. If itching persists then know you don’t have to worry but understand that your belly button piercing is healing.

Sign of Rejection

Itchy navel piercing can also be a sign of rejection. This is where the body rejects any foreign object into the skin. Sometimes it is quite hard to tell that navel piercing rejection is taking place. The symptoms are more or less the same to the navel piercing infection. Therefore you ought to be alert when investigate immediately you realize an itching.

When you look closely at the holes around the piercing and you realize some redness also be watchful since they are symptoms of rejection and infection as well. Rejection will also be characterized by scaly, dry reddening skin around the piercing. While infected piercings are mostly featured by swollen and red skin around the belly button piercing.


Discharge around the pierced belly button can also occur. Sometimes it is regarded normal since it is one of the ways the body can discard bacteria. Although when the discharge seems excess it could also be an indication of rejection. When the discharge comes in the form of puss a yellow or green substance it is a sign of an infection.

It is normal for a freshly pierced belly button to be a little sore. Though tenderness and sharp pain when the button is even touched by the shirt to show that something is not normal. This is the time you have to strictly follow hygiene requirements since it could be early signs of an infection.

Navel piercing keloids
Navel piercing keloids

Navel Piercing Keloid

If you realize some growth around your belly button piercing try to get concerned. Most of the time both small and large growths can occur though it is not something normal. You will therefore have to take another advanced step to determine whether they are keloids or not.

Varying Sizes

Keloids can vary in size from smallest to largest. They are neither painful nor contain substance inside them. And are simply the formation of scar tissues due to the body’s reaction to trauma or any surgical incisions. They do not contain puss or bleed though they don’t heal on their own.


It is recommended to submit your navel piercing keloids to the doctor as soon as possible for them to be removed. If you take responsibility for dealing with them they can become havoc and form more scars to your skin. The first thing you can do is to soak your pierced belly button in the sea salt. If it is an infection the symptoms will subside, but keloids will remain.

Keloid do not respond to cleaning as soaking easily. When can become so painful even to touch especially when it becomes chronic. The good news is that they can be cured and heal within the shortest time possible without causing further navel piercing pain.

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